Runaway rallies or falls not on cards; if market surges, FIIs will buy and DIIs will sell: Sanjiv Bhasin

Sanjiv Bhasin, Director, IIFL Securities, says the market is clear that there will be 320- 340 seats for the ruling party and it is sanguine and it depends on where we are on 3rd of June. If we are already at 23,000, then it leaves very little on the upside because there will be one camp which is going to start to buy or re-enter and the other will take the opportunity to sell. Bhasin says: “I think domestics will sell heavily once the FIIs come and we hit new highs. That is very much on the card, I would say 80% probability.”

Are we in for a very sharp rally which could be fuelled by foreign institutional investors (FIIs) who right now have a short exposure and have been selling in the cash market? And if markets like the election verdict, we could see a monster bout of short covering as FIIs will be forced to cover their positions.
Sanjiv Bhasin: Well, I would expect something like that if the results come as per what the market is looking for and we get stability. What has changed is that global cues have become very positive, the Dow is 40,000, China market is back, Indian macro and micro are looking good, rainfall is good. So, in the bonhomie, the people who are missing out or are opting for China or whatever, there will be a huge bout of covering.

I would take that as a selling opportunity. So, I think domestics will sell heavily once the FIIs come and we hit new highs. That is very much on the card, I would say 80% probability.

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Is the market pricing that in – a sub-300 figure for the current government?
Sanjiv Bhasin: I think the market is clear that there will be 320- 340 seats and it is sanguine and it depends on where we are on 3rd of June. If we are already at 23,000, then it leaves very little on the upside because there will be one camp which is going to start to buy or re-enter and the other will take the opportunity to sell.

On the other hand, if there is no majority, then there can be a slam dunk which will be expected because of the pace of reform. But I think what has happened is Indian markets have become mature and the retail investor is a sign of maturity. Any exuberance or despair is going to be short lived. We are going to be on global macros, earnings and global cues. But, yes, the Indian investor is mature now. The markets have become much more sanguine. I do not see runaway rallies or runaway falls.

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HDFC Bank, Coforge and Vodafone are part of your election-proof portfolio.. HDFC Bank is slightly easy to understand but why Coforge and Vodafone?
Sanjiv Bhasin: HDFC Bank, like you said will stand out. If there is anything to do with negativity, it will still be one of the best plays.

In Coforge, a large part of the damage is already in. They are one of the fastest growing midcap IT companies which is now looking to improve their implant as far as AI is concerned via acquisitions and not having any promoter is a boon. I would say that somewhere down the line, there will be a big buyout and that could be very positive.

The stock has underperformed and I would expect it to outperform whatever the scenario.

Voda Idea is a clear place that the AB Group has got re-rated and that you cannot but make money in because at 40% of EBITDA and 142 ARPU, they can only go up. Now, despite any government or change or not, data and telecom is going to be in a very sweet spot. Good leadership is going to see that they are in the fray and a very good opportunity for investors to make money with, the balance sheet getting much more stronger over the next one-two years.
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