Where in the market can we expect post-result selloff? Sandip Sabharwal answers

Sandip Sabharwal, asksandipsabharwal.com, says where both valuations and expectations are high are all the defence, infrastructure, and capital goods stocks. That is where there are disappointments, we could see some sort of selloff coming through. Where expectations are low are consumer stocks, technology, etc. So on the flip side, if the result delivery there is better than expected, then the up moves could be more than potential down moves on any sort of disappointment.

Given that in India the thrust is all about infrastructure, how long before we hit the European or the US levels?
Sandip Sabharwal: For India to get there, it will take a couple of decades at least. I do not think we are going to get there as fast as most people think. Those people who think that we are doing very well are those actually who have not gone there, so that is how it is, but that is that. Overall, markets are showing some sorts of signs of fatigue after the sharp run-up in the last quarter and it is natural that markets stagnate at some time. The longer the consolidation goes on, the better it is normally for the markets.

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The result season this time becomes very important because of the sharp run-up we have seen across stocks and sectors and as such wherever the valuations are very high and there is a disappointment we could see fast selloffs.

Where do you think expectations are high and we are in for a potential post-number selloff?
Sandip Sabharwal: Where valuations are high and expectations are high are all the defence, infrastructure, and capital goods stocks. So, that is where there are disappointments, we could see some sort of selloff coming through. Where expectations are low are consumer stocks, technology, etc. So on the flip side, if the result delivery there is better than expected, then the up moves could be more than potential down moves on any sort of disappointment.

AMCs are always hungry for AUM. When they decide not to take fresh inflows, it just tells you either it is high valuations or a lack of opportunity.
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Sandip Sabharwal: It could be both because all of us know that the number of names that you can play on the defence theme is very limited. Most of them come from the PSU stable and many of them now trade at valuations of 60 to 100 times earnings. Now, in this environment, it is a good move to possibly stem inflows, but then people have the option of going and buying directly and there are enough kind of small case portfolios lying around that focus on this theme. I do not think inflows could stop in this way unless and until there is a sharpest kind of correction which will happen at some stage because the valuations have become unsustainable.

What about Trent? It is an IREDA kind of story. It has a much longer trading history, but parabolic moves, no matter what, that stock continues to move from strength to strength.

Sandip Sabharwal: And it has been backed by spectacular performance. So, every quarter there are expectations that analysts have and if you look at something like Trent, they just break through those expectations and deliver very strong numbers and that is the reason the valuations have continued to trend higher and higher because there has been no disappointment and the result delivery has been much above expectations.
So, there is no reason for someone who is holding the stock to sell and then there is no equity supply coming in and new buyers coming in every time, so that is the status of Trent. So, it is a stock one should buy. When one should buy, let us say if there is some quarter where they actually disappoint and then because of valuations, the stock comes off sharply, that will be the time to buy for investors.

Anything within shipping that you like?
Sandip Sabharwal: Shipping again falls in the same category where the shipyards have huge visibility of growth and they have new orders also coming in. But again, the retail frenzy and valuations are so high that we cannot buy them now. But then again, on sharpish selloffs of the overall market or the sector as a whole, this should be a sector that should be in line to buy, but not at these valuations.

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Any acquisitions, anything that you bought, or sold when you were on holiday? I am sure the laptop and the phone were on.
Sandip Sabharwal: No, no, nothing much actually. Just holding on to the old ones and not deploying anything as of now.

And which are the old ones? We have discussed names like Voltas, Page Industries, which we discussed a couple of months ago with you.
Sandip Sabharwal: Yes, among durables, we bought into after Voltas ran up. , We also bought into V-Guard Industries and that has done very well. We are still holding on to that stock.

When you are saying we are not deploying much, does it mean that you are just waiting for a correction to put more money to work or you are just putting money into the same names that you had earlier?

Sandip Sabharwal: For fresh money deployment, I would wait out a bit. If the markets give a correction, even if it is a shallow correction because we have seen that whenever there is a small correction on the broader market, sometimes the selloffs tend to be much bigger and that can give opportunities. At the start of the results, it is always better to have some cash because then in companies which put surprise on either side, so if a company has been doing badly and then there is a further negative surprise, but you think that this could be the bottom, then you can buy in or vice versa. So, start of the result season it always makes sense to have some cash.

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The entire Alcobev space has done very well. Anything that you like and you still think is worthy of a buy?
Sandip Sabharwal: Many of these stocks have moved up, but fundamentally the performance has not been good on Sula. The growth was just 2-3% for this quarter for their core brands. Overall turnover growth was 10 odd percent, but core brand growth was just 2-3%. So, like the rest of the consumer discretionary space, in this segment also we have seen a slowdown. Some specific companies that have been able to launch good, strong brands, have done well sporadically. But overall, the sector volume growth is still under pressure.

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