Green shoots seen in IT hiring; 99acres turned cash positive in Q4: Hitesh Oberoi, Info Edge

Hitesh Oberoi, Co-Promoter,MD & CEO, Info Edge, talks about how some growth seems to have come back to IT hiring and the Naukri JobSpeak index has moved after a long time. Oberoi says that Info Edge remains bullish and is hoping that this will sustain for some more time.

Oberoi also says that their real estate vertical has also done well. There is a renewed interest in real estate. Real estate cycles are normally long and deep and when real estate markets go up, they stay up for a while.

Let us begin with the recruitment business –, Naukri and the IT services because I was just going through the JobSpeak index and finally after 15 months, there is a sign of a green shoot there. Would you say it is the bottom and we are now in a growth trajectory for IT services recruitment?
Hitesh Oberoi: You are absolutely right we have seen some growth come back to IT hiring and our index has moved after a long time. We are bullish and we are hoping that this will sustain for some more time but it is early days. So, let us see how this plays out over the next few months.

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If we look at your non-recruitment business verticals, especially the real estate vertical, good growth is coming in for that particular segment. Do you think that this sort of an uptick will continue going ahead for the real estate segment and is this an indicator of what exactly is happening in that space as a whole?
Hitesh Oberoi: Our real estate team has executed really well for the last seven-eight quarters now. The market has also been very supportive. There is a renewed interest in real estate. Real estate cycles are normally long and deep. So, when real estate markets go up, they stay up for a while, which is what we have seen in the past and we have seen demand come back into the market. There is a lack of supply as well. There is not enough inventory of new homes. Prices have also risen in many pockets. And there is generally sort of more appetite for bigger homes, better homes, that is what we are seeing. Incomes have also gone up over the last few years, so real estate is a lot more affordable than it was maybe 8-10 years ago. I hope this continues for some more time.

It is still a bit away from the breakeven on 99acres and for the other businesses as well. Could FY25 be the year when there will be an EBITDA breakeven for these?
Hitesh Oberoi: Our operating performance has been improving every quarter, in both Jeevansathi and 99acres. In Q4, 99acres actually generated some cash for the company, so it was cash positive after a while and losses in Jeevansathi also came down substantially. If we are able to continue to execute like this for another three-four quarters, then of course these businesses could break even but a lot will also depend on competition and what other players in the market do. We continue to be confident about these two businesses.

There was a point in time when we were losing Rs 100 crore a year in 99acres, we were losing Rs 100 crore a year in Jeevansathi. From there to sort of almost breakeven, we have done a good job over the last five-six quarters but let us see what the next three quarters have in store. We will know only after a while and this has to sustain for some more time for us to become very confident about these businesses.
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But what about the EBITDA margins, they too have been on the improvement path. The Street is now building in a margin profile of almost 42% for you by the end of FY25. Is that a realistic estimate you believe because your ad spends have also kind of stabilised a bit, what is the normalised A&P spend for you and is 42% on EBITDA margin a possibility in FY25?
Hitesh Oberoi: Actually, we do not target EBITDA margins. We have built a plan and a lot will depend on what happens in the recruitment business. If growth comes back to recruitment, if the business starts growing at even 14-15% per annum, then EBITDA margins should sort of stay healthy. But if Naukri continues to sort of grow in single digits for some more time, then we would not want to hold back investing in this business, we would want to continue to invest and therefore EBITDA margins could take a hit in the short term. As far as Jeevansathi and 99acres are concerned, we expect margins to get better over the next 12 months, especially if the market continues to be buoyant.

You have said that you have seen some growth in IT hiring. If you could give us a ballpark figure, a percentage of growth that you are seeing in that particular segment, also what about the non-IT hiring segment, how is that looking?
Hitesh Oberoi: There are three big parts to our business — there is the non-IT hiring piece, there is the IT hiring piece and there is the recruitment firms who we work with. In Q4 we saw growth come back to the IT hiring business, it grew in high single digits or maybe about 9-10% for us. Basically, what is happening there is that a lot of these companies had overhired and their utilisation rates have fallen because of attrition and because they have not replaced a lot of people who have left in the last 12 months, their utilisation rates are now back to where they were pre-COVID.

Now if demand picks up, they will be forced to hire and replace the people who leave. So, a lot will depend from here on on what happens to demand for IT services globally. As far as non-IT is concerned, certain sectors in the non-IT space continue to grow very-very healthily, for sectors like travel, tourism, construction, real estate, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, so growth in these sectors has been strong and the non-IT hiring piece for us also grew in double digits last quarter. The recruitment firm business is a little challenged and a lot of these recruitment firms of course hire for IT companies and their business has also taken a hit because IT companies are not hiring like they were hiring earlier.

Let me try to corner you a bit and ask you directly, is the IT growth in recruitments expected to be double digit in terms of billings going forward because that has been the trend over the last few days. Secondly, if you can give an explanation of that Rs 12 crore exceptional loss, is it also on account of one of the investments that you had made because you had made some write-offs earlier as well and said that that is the bottom of that?
Hitesh Oberoi: Yes. in IT hiring, we do not know what the future holds. We are seeing job listings on our site improve, we are seeing more demand for IT professionals on our platform, but we do not know what the next three quarters will look like. One can only hope that we have hit the bottom and from here on things will get better, but time will tell. I mean there is an election in the US. IT hiring is more indexed to what happens in the US economy and what happens to the global economy than to what happens in the Indian economy and let us see how that plays out over the next few quarters.
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We also know for example that demand for people in the global capability centres which have been set up in India has been growing. So a lot will also depend on what happens to outsourcing to these centres in the time and (8:56) not just to the Indian IT services companies. So, a big part of our business is of course the Indian IT services companies who hire through us, but we also get a lot of business from the global capability centres who hire a lot of talent in India. There are now over 1,600 such centres in the country and they employ close to 2 million people. So, let us see how this plays out. The exceptional loss, I mean we have made a lot of investments and some of these investments are marked up, some are marked down, so it is probably that.

During the quarter there was this issue with Google wherein some of the apps were removed, has that issue been sorted?
Hitesh Oberoi: Yes, that issue was resolved a long time back within a few days…

That is what I meant because that was a one-day, two-day issue and I know it got resolved but nothing else is expected now right?
Hitesh Oberoi: Things continue to be normal and we have an excellent relationship with Google and we hope it stays that way.

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