Market setting up for an election rally: Rohit Srivastava

Rohit Srivastava, Founder, Strike Money Analytics & Indiacharts, says “in both the previous elections, we had seen the VIX go up to at least 24% prior to the election result announcements and in the month of that, almost going up to 28% or 35%. And this time around, we have only ticked up to some 14-15%, which is almost half of the VIX reading we had seen before, so that just shows that the market is really not expecting anything out of the blue.”

How do you read the screen right now? Time to be cautious or time to build or is the chart warning about a big fall?
Rohit Srivastava: We are setting up for what should become the election rally. We will get a slightly more confirmation of that if markets stabilise today and close positive because the low point of today is very close to a 61% retracement of the move we saw from say the low of 19th April to the high of 3rd May, which is almost a 1000-point rise and so we have seen a pullback to that which should be, I think, almost complete.

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It has taken three-four days and some of the recent selling I am told from my sources possibly also got to do with some fund closures happening out there, that is why you saw a lot of FII sales in the last two days. Now if that is the one and the market stabilises and closes positive, I think the setup is for what could be an election rally, so that is where we are right now.

What is different though this time from previous elections is the pricing in a volatility. So, in both the previous elections, we had seen the VIX go up to at least 24% prior to the election result announcements and in the month of that, almost going up to 28% or 35%. And this time around, we have only ticked up to some 14-15%, which is almost half of the VIX reading we had seen before, so that just shows that the market is really not expecting anything out of the blue. A little bit here, a little bit there, they seem to be sanguine about what is going to be the outcome.

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But what we have also seen in most of the election events all the way back to 2004 is that the markets do tend to anticipate the outcome and move in that direction at the point of the announcement. If this is going to be a positive outcome, you will see election rally or an up move in the markets into the event itself, that is what we have seen in 14, 15 and the only time it was down was 2004 and then also markets were falling ahead of the event, so it is not that the event came out of the blue. I think that is the setup. We are at a very good support to start moving higher. If we see stability and the markets managed to close positive today, I would sense that we are done here and we do rally into the election results.

Can I just scratch that point a little more with you? If one-third of the rally, because you are saying pre-election rally could be short covering or people on the side may join in, can I assume that one-third of the rally of that move may be in May series itself and the fence sitters may come in the June series if the election result comes out as very different than what people are thinking, it could be a big positive surprise?Could that move continue post June 4 as well?
Rohit Srivastava: Euphoria can build in advance also, because if the market goes up from here and crosses 23,000, most people will start jumping in, not really waiting for the election outcome. Today the mood is a little more confused because after three months we have not really broken out of this broad range. It is a slightly upward slanting range, but it has been a range that we have not come out of in terms of Nifty.

So, holding the lows below 22,000 and then selling off from anything above 22,800 has been the case and leaves a feeling that it will fall. In fact, we were also bearish in January, February and March, but that is the time window, typically the first quarter of the year is where we have seen most of the corrections in the market and since that has not happened, then this entire phase will start looking like a consolidation, so that is a change in stance that we have sort of taken that you have seen rotation stocks that had to correct have seen corrections, there have been steep corrections in individual names while others that have continued to run up.

Now we may see some of those consolidating. We are seeing a pickup in places like FMCG, pharma, which were under correction. So, a lot of more people will join post results. But whether they get 400 seats or 360 seats, they are still going to form the government at the centre. That may mean just a day\’s volatility, which is why the VIX itself has collapsed because they are going to win. There is no fear of being on the edge. If you are at 300, you are at a border, then the market prices are at risk, what if it does not happen, the VIX jumps to 28%, that is not the case. The case here is only big win, small win, the win is guaranteed and so the volatility is going to be slow. I think this rally will be just a slow and continuous thing. As you rightly pointed out, they will slowly come in, getting more and more confident as the move goes on.
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What is your take on individual names? Do you have any charts which are looking very interesting at this point of time and maybe if you can lend some insights on the charts of SBI, it comes out with earnings tomorrow and for now it is holding up quite smartly.
Rohit Srivastava: The PSU banks have shown a positive momentum in the early part of May and they have cooled off a bit. In the last few days, we have seen some cooling off happening there. Whether it is SBI, whether it is BOB, all of them have done that. Some of it may also have happened because of the news that we actually had in between related to the provisioning, which I think is more of an accounting treatment and that is also sort of adjusted.

So, the setup is good for PSU banks to gain ground here as the results come in because we have seen the results momentum for the banks anyway be positive. But what I really want, where I think the catch up is going to happen, is going to be in the rest of the banks, the private banks, NBFCs that have been lagging. The Bank Nifty for almost a year has been in a broad range, I think the setup is really for it to start breaking out of that and starting and heading higher.

While PSU banks may have been leading most of the year, it is time to start looking at the other banks again with a very fresh perspective, especially those which are completely beaten down and I am referring to Kotak Bank or HDFC Bank which have seen all the worst sentiment get absorbed and once that has happened, if all the bad news is priced in, then there may be opportunities over there.

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