Blue collar and grey collar consumer jobs growing, can\’t offset fall in IT white collar jobs: Dr Pawan Goyal,

Dr Pawan Goyal, ED and Chief Business Officer,, says “the salary growth is expected to remain in single digits. This has moderated from the time period of 22 when the great resignation wave was underway. So, 6% to 7%, somewhere in that range is where we expect the salary growth.”

We were in fact quite surprised to see the consumer side starting to witness high demand. Talk to us about that to start with from that side.
Dr Pawan Goyal: If you look at the overall JobSpeak index, it has been flattish. It is minus three on a year-on-year basis and minus one on month-on-month basis. From a statistical standpoint, I would consider that flattish. Over the consumer sectors that are doing very well, is oil and gas; FMCG; travel, tourism, and hospitality; as well as auto. They have been consistently growing for several months at a time and April numbers are in line with that.

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I want to get a sense from you regarding the IT software and services segment because for the first time in 15 months it reported a small growth.
Dr Pawan Goyal: Yes. So, this is the first time that we are seeing a 2% year-on-year growth. But from a statistical standpoint, we should say that the worst is behind but perhaps we cannot yet say that growth is back conclusively. At best, we can say that if this 2% or the growth sustains for the next couple of months, then we can say that IT growth is back.

As you pointed out, FMCG, hospitality are the segments which are doing better and have been able to offset the weakness in IT. At the consolidated level for you at Naukri, what kind of trends are emerging with respect to billings and the kind of momentum you are seeing?
Dr Pawan Goyal: I cannot talk to you about the billing numbers. We are in a quiet period. But from an overall jobs point of view, the overall index is a composite of both IT as well as non-IT jobs and that is flattish now. While the consumer side of the economy is growing, it has a lot more blue-collar and grey-collar jobs. It is not able to offset the decline in white-collar jobs in IT. So, therefore, net-net, you are seeing a flattish number.

The other trend was the kind of attrition and churn that we are seeing within the banking and the FS vertical as well. Has that got arrested or are you seeing quite a bit of both the lateral as well as the fresher hirings within the BFSI world?
Dr Pawan Goyal: So, BFSI continues to do well. Our insurance sector is also doing well. It is 30% year-on-year growth, so that continues to do well as far as we can see.
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Are you confident about the kind of growth that we are seeing in FMCG, hospitality, insurance, oil and gas? Do you think it could be a bit more long-term and not just transient?
Dr Pawan Goyal: It is hard for us to forecast. But from what we see historically, growth in these sectors has sustained over several quarters and given the robustness of growth, one would think that this will sustain for some more time.

What are you witnessing with respect to the hikes and the initial CTCs which are being offered by the company? Has there been any uptick in that or the salary structures have remained pretty much okay or similar to what it was last year?
Dr Pawan Goyal: The salary growth is expected to remain in single digits. This has moderated from the time period of 22 when the great resignation wave was underway. So, 6% to 7%, somewhere in that range is where we expect the salary growth.

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